Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Riddles in the Dark

So on Sunday I went to a girls house for dinner. The headlight on my motorcycle stopped working a few days ago and I haven’t found the problem with it yet, so I had to head back to my apartment before it got dark, or else I would be riding my bike on the freeway without a light…not a real smart combination. (But I was wearing a helmet) So I was about 25 minutes from home and I hopped on my bike and was racing the light…had to get home before dark. So I was cruising along the freeway at about 90 mph. All of a sudden my engine cut out. Crap. My first thought was that I might be out of gas, so I reached down and switched on the valve to my reserve gas tank. No luck. The engine still wouldn’t catch. I drifted over to the left side of the freeway and got off my bike.

Here we go again. I’d played around with the electrical system before while trying to fix the headlamp and maybe something had come loose/burned out; so with semi’s and cars whizzing past just a couple feet away I took off the seat and got to work. The sun was starting to set in the horizon as I used precious time to check the fuses. I got frustrated cause it is really hard to get them out without pliers. Even more annoying was the fact that they were all good. No problem there. I tried to start the bike again, it turned over but wouldn’t catch.

So I pried the side of the bike out an inch and took a look at some of the wiring I had played with before. After as thorough of an examination I could give in the fading light, nothing stood out to me. Stumped, I sat down with my back against the hard cement barrier. I guess a spark plug could have blown, or a wire could have been overloaded…no clue where. I didn’t want to leave my bike on the side of the freeway overnight, but I don’t know anyone with a truck out here.

I decided to say a prayer, quick but heartfelt. I got up and was about to kick the back tire when something caught my eye. I looked at the gas valve and then realized that instead of turning the valve to reserve, I had actually turned the fuel valve off. Ha. What an idiot. I switched the valve to ‘reserve’ and the bike fired right up. As I merged onto the freeway in the setting sun I said another prayer thanking Heavenly Father for helping me and asking him to help me get home safe. Ha. How ironic would it be if I got my prayer answered only to be smushed on the way home by some big semi that couldn’t see me. (mom’s gonna hate that part) But I got home safe just after the last bit of the sun went beneath the horizon.


  1. Parley-- that one definitely went beyond the limits. Crazy boy riding around on motorcycles racing the sun. I liked your story about how you prayed though. You didn't say much about the girl you ate with . . . were you disappointed that you had to leave before sundown????

  2. Yikes! My little boy on a motorcycle on the freeway is bad enough, let alone with no light at sundown when visibility is the worst. Good thing you prayed! I am grateful you are safe and I was also praying for you that night, cause we always miss our boy and had been thinking about Parley. Dad just said last night at six that he was a little worried about Parley. Right on Dad! Now I am too!

  3. Parles - Great post.....that was a reminder to me (and you) that we are never alone no matter what we are doing. Spirit friends are great! They that be with us are more than they that be with them. Remember that in your sales efforts.

    Dad Wad

  4. Don't ever ride your motercycle like that again Parley!!!! That scared me to death! The other day I was changing lanes and thought I was clear, then checked one more time and there was this little motercycle that I had somehow missed before, right there! It is So scary!

  5. Yeah...you could be that little motorcycle that Sarah didn't see. That was a funny post. But I'm glad you're safe. All that danger just to see a girl? Only Parley.
