Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Don't forget your pin number!

Ha! I laugh everytime I see this. You have to be careful when you drive big stuff around or else you make big mistakes! time I ran into a barn with a huge tractor :(


  1. p.s. give me a couple of months and i'll give you my success story. ;)

  2. Yep. One time I put the old chevy van into drive instead of reverse and ran into the garage door of the old white house. I wasn't too worried because mom had already broken it with her ramming speed, but Dad happened to be watching at the time. He grabbed the keys from the van and threw them on the ground. Wheet.

    p.s. Seth didn't like this movie because he claimed the people must have died.

  3. Ha! Elizabeth, I laughed out loud when I read your comment! Then Davy woke up and asked what was so funny.

    p.s. I don't think anyone died, the roof just barely clips the side of the truck so no one got smushed.

  4. Haha to Elizabeth's story. One time I got stuck in Ralph when I was "drifting" That was so embarassing. I accidentally run into things all the time on Chuck though and Dad gets grumpy

  5. p.s. Give me a couple of years and I'll get you my success story.

  6. One day I didn't want to ride the bus to UVSC and so I just drove the old red van Alice gave us on the freeway, even though Dad said it wasn't a freeway car I didn't believe him. Then smoke started coming out the air vents and engine, then it stopped and I coasted onto an exit. Then I called DAd and told him it ran out of gas, cause it was on empty, turns out I cracked the engine block. I think being married to Scott has made me smarter.

  7. Guys......stop talking about Dad Wad as some grumpy old man. I am actually quite mellow these days.

    Dad Wad

  8. About the 5th "I did something really stupid I knew I shouldn't have and totalled the car" story I read on here, I wonder that you weren't grumpier dad! I guess if you have 9 kids, you get to loose 9 cars! lol.

  9. haha I was driving the burb to high school and was in the huge line at the stop light, when it stalled. I started it again but didn't push on the brake hard enough to get to drive, so it went into reverse, (you could never tell which gear you were in) so it shot back and rammed the person behind me. So embarrassing! Everyone had to drive around me, smiling and waving. Not a dent on the old beast
